In our modern time, Halloween has become a growing trend that changes and brings exciting surprises every year. Considering this it’s hard to believe that Halloween with 5000 years old roots it’s one of the oldest holidays known. It comes from the British Isles and was brought to America by the Irish emigrants only in the 19th century.
The name suggests that it’s about honoring the saints. The Catholic Church celebrates the Day of All Saints on November 1st. Despite the Christian background of the holiday, its origins trace back to the pagan-Celtic festival of the Dead “Samhain”, which was celebrated on the same day. According to different historical sources the Celts have driven away the evil spirits with the help of creepy masks and fire as a sign of cleansing and destruction. The reason: they believed that on October 31st, the borders between the world of the living and of the dead ones opens and all deceased souls come back to earth for one night to celebrate together with the alive ones. However, according to the Celts, there was the risk that the dead would choose a person and steal their body.
Nowadays, the different religious and folkloric traditions mix with each other and Halloween is celebrated for pleasure and change from the stressful everyday routine. Without further ado, we wish you all happy Halloween! Allow yourself to have some fun with our variety of products: freaky decorations, costumes, party accessories and much more. Make this season special celebrating it with